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skin stitch + hand poke

image description: a black and white photograph. a light skinned Indigenous person’s hand and wrist, with a fresh hand poked tattoo and an older hand poked tattoo by two different artists. the band closer to their wrist is by louis esme, 2019

image description: a black and white photograph. a light skinned Indigenous woman with freshly skin stitched lines in the middle of her ring finger.
louis esmé, 2019

image description: a black and white photograph of a light skinned Indigenous person with fresh skin stitched tattoos, one on each wrist.
louis esmé, 2018

image description: black and white photograph. a dark skinned Indigenous person’s fresh skin stitched tattoo in Cree syllabics.
louis esmé, 2019

image description: a black and white photograph. a light skinned Indigenous person’s freshly hand poked tattoo of a sunflower beetle on their upper thigh.
louis esmé, 2018

image description: a black and white photograph. a light skinned Indigenous person’s freshly hand poked and skin stitched tattoo on their inner calf.
louis esmé, 2018