( ( ( p a u s i n g ) ) )



skin stitch + hand poke

image description: a black and white photograph. a light skinned Indigenous person’s hand and wrist, with a fresh hand poked tattoo and an older hand poked tattoo by two different artists. the band closer to their wrist is by louis esme, 2019

image description: a black and white photograph. a light skinned Indigenous woman with freshly skin stitched lines in the middle of her ring finger.
louis esmé, 2019

image description: a black and white photograph of a light skinned Indigenous person with fresh skin stitched tattoos, one on each wrist.
louis esmé, 2018

image description: black and white photograph. a dark skinned Indigenous person’s fresh skin stitched tattoo in Cree syllabics.
louis esmé, 2019

image description: a black and white photograph. a light skinned Indigenous person’s freshly hand poked tattoo of a sunflower beetle on their upper thigh.
louis esmé, 2018

image description: a black and white photograph. a light skinned Indigenous person’s freshly hand poked and skin stitched tattoo on their inner calf.
louis esmé, 2018



5 mins.

A memory of the land and ancestors around the Annapolis Valley. The animated petroglyphs are rubbings from Kejimkujik, while the moving images were self recorded near Grand Pré, Nova Scotia, Wabanakik. 

Please email for a preview copy.


Mourning During a Pandemic
CFMDC.tv, 2021

Images Festival, 2020
Recipient of the Steam Whistle Homebrew Award



Gardiner Museum Intervention

Photos courtesy of the Gardiner Museum

louis esmé, 2018

louis esmé, 2018

louis esmé, 2018

louis esmé, 2018